We're Having a Baby!
OMGggg … !
I’m so excited to share the news that I’m pregnant—which still feels weird to say! Chris and I got married 3 years ago, and we always knew we wanted kids, but not right away. Our first couple years of marriage flew by with the whirlwind year of the wedding (and lots of friends’ weddings!), COVID hitting the next spring, followed by seemingly endless house projects. We didn’t get pregnant right away when I stopped taking birth control, and it was definitely hard waiting and not knowing when or if it would happen, but the timing feels right in retrospect. I paid off my student loans the year after we got married, I’m happy and stress-free in my job at LTK (I just had my one-year anniversary this month!), and we finished all the house projects this spring. Now we’re ready for baby! Scroll for a few FAQs …
Baby FAQs
How and when did you find out?!
It was the Friday after the 4th of July and we were heading back up to the lake for our annual family weekend. My period was pretty consistent and it was two days late, so I took a test. I didn’t want to get my hopes up since it could fluctuate by a day or two—but I wanted to know before spending the weekend sipping Ranch Waters and White Claws. The test showed a faint pink line (!), and when Chris came back inside from loading up the car I showed him the stick and said, “I don’t think I’ll need to stop at the liquor store…” which was our usual routine when heading to the lake. Eek!
Did you use an Oura ring or anything else to help get pregnant?
I considered getting an Oura ring because I heard how accurately it can predict peak fertility days, but I ultimately didn’t because of the price. Two months in a row, I used ovulation sticks at home to determine my peak fertility days, and used that to determine a window when we would have the best chance of getting pregnant. I didn’t want to obsess over the timing, so I did my best to align with the estimated fertile window without being too rigid.
How are you feeling?!
I’m currently 24 weeks, so I’ve felt pretty good for the last 2+ months! I did experience some nausea, headaches and fatigue from week 5 through 13 or so. It was a weird feeling, because I wanted to be excited in those early stages, but physically, I wasn’t having the most fun. I wore these sea bands most days which seemed to curb the nausea, and occasionally stirred these fizzy packets into water to get through rough afternoons. I was able to go for at least a slow walk most days even through the first trimester, so I was never totally down for the count. But I’m definitely glad to be past that now and onto more exciting parts like feeling little kicks!
Any cravings or aversions?
Not really! Although green grapes really hit the spot, I can’t get enough water, and I could do without chicken/meat.
Are you finding out the sex?
No, it’s going to be a surprise!
Have you bought anything for baby yet?
We haven’t bought a single thing yet! I just recently finished our registry, and I plan to start ordering nursery furniture next month.
What are you most anxious and most excited about?
I’m a little anxious about learning all the everyday basics that I don’t know yet and adjusting to the reality of doing our everyday routines with a baby. Obviously it will be a huge change in so many ways. I’m most excited about just starting our own little family and meeting this little person that is a little bit of both Chris and me! ❤️