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The Find: Tortoise Candles

The Find: Tortoise Candles

Happy Tuesday, guys! Minneapolis is getting our first real snow of the season—winter turned on overnight. It feels a little soon, but I have wild rice soup in the slow cooker and the cozy vibes aren’t the worst! It’s the perfect time for a post about cozying up your home with candles.

Here’s the thing: candles can be pricey, especially given how quickly I go through them, but they’re so important to my well-being! (Sounds dramatic, but really. I can’t watch TV at night without lighting one up.) With the temperatures dropping this month, it was time to update my collection for the season. Anthropologie used to be my go-to for candles (this iridescent jar candle is a good standby and I LOVE this matte black jar)—but this time around, I couldn’t find just what I wanted.

I hunted around online a bit and discovered this tortoise candle on sale at West Elm. Just … perfection. I love that tortoise print is classic and, vaguely resembling leopard, fun. I also appreciate that this one isn’t marred by a label, enabling it to really function as a decor element as much as mood lighting. It fits in whether you have an eclectic mix of patterns and textures in your home, or you’re just looking for a subtle accent.

I scooped up a few of the tortoise beauties (…trying REAL hard not to buy a year’s supply) and then purchased a couple complementary jars at Nordstrom to create little clusters throughout the house. I got lucky in that the scents actually work together—the combination of white cypress, vetiver/jasmine and amber/cashmere wood/cannabis flower is nice, especially this time of year. Fingers crossed West Elm never stops carrying this tortoise style because I’m hooked.

Candles can definitely be an impulse buy, but when buying for my home, I like to make sure my selections don’t turn into random clutter. Here are 3 things I look for when buying candles:

  1. Color/pattern (Complementary to the rest of the room—providing an accent or contrast.)

  2. Shape/size (Gotta make sure it will fit the intended space and/or provide the height you want!)

  3. Scent (Surprisingly, this is my last priority—it has to look good first! But of course, scent is so important to the ambience.)

What are your favorite candles? Do you refresh every season or stick to the same scents all year?
Shop my fall candle collection below!

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